Presseamt der
in Tübingen



Fakultaet fuer Informatik
Sand 13
D-72076 Tuebingen
Tel. Nr.: 49-7071-29-77046
Fax Nr.: 49-7071-29-7046
WWW : Fakultaet fuer Informatik


The Faculty of Informatics is the newest faculty at the University of Tuebingen. The Faculty was founded in 1990. It developed from the Wilhelm Schickard Institute for Informatics, a cooperative institute of the faculties of Mathematics and Physics.
The Wilhelm-Schickard-Institute for Informatics was named for Wilhelm Schickard (1592-1635). Schickard was professor of Hebrew, Aramaic, Mathematics and Astronomy in the University.
In 1623 he built a four species calculating machine, ten years before Pascal. He also invented a hand-held planetarium and the "rota hebraea" a device for the automation of Hebrew verb inflection. He is regarded as the "grandfather of computer science" in Tuebingen.

Teaching Staff and Students

The Faculty of Informatics has ten professors and thirty-four teaching and research assistants. Lecturers from industry and from the university's computing center also contribute to the curriculum.

Three hundred ninety-two students are enrolled in the Faculty. Student enrollment and academic staff continue to increase. An annual acceptance of one hundred forty students is expected.

The Degree

The Faculty offers the Diplom Degree in Informatics, "Dipl.-Inform.".
A certification in computer science is also offered for teachers of Mathematics and Physics.


Numerous workstations, file servers and X terminals are available for educational purposes. Current equipment includes HP 9000, IBM RiscSystem/6000, Silicon Graphics and Sun SPARC computers. All are running Unix and X windows, and all are connected to the InterNet.
The faculty offers world-wide electronic information on the InterNet via anonymous ftp and gopher. The host is (
The faculty's library currently contains about 5,000 volumes. One hundred ninety-six journals are on subscription. Library holdings are steadily increasing.

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